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Welder CLI

Welder is a CLI tool that allows running multi-module multi-SDK builds with the extensive use of Docker containers. The goal of Welder is to provide seamless build and deploy experience across environments, such as local and CI/CD.

Why do I need another tool?

While Welder is not a CI/CD tool by itself, it is mainly focused on the build and deploy lifecycle of a service, trying to make the following operations easier and more streamlined:

  • Build and test application using preferred containerized SDK locally and in CI/CD environment
  • Build Docker images for the application
  • Deploy application with the chosen deploy strategy

Please read Motivation to understand where Welder fits in the development process.

Getting started

Read howto install Welder and main use-cases to get started.


If you have any issues or questions related to Welder, please reach out at [email protected].